AUS performs Quality Level A and B utility locating. Utility infrastructure provides our homes and businesses with the basic necessities of everyday life, and a large portion of that infrastructure is buried. When lines are damaged by excavation, modern conveniences, like electricity and running water, come to a screeching halt. Costly delays can occur when large, complex projects are delayed when utility lines are unexpectedly encountered. Excavators face the ultimate danger of death or serious injury if they strike a utility line. AUS technicians are experienced in identifying all types of underground facilities, including: electric, telephone, fiber-optics, catv, water, gas, sanitary/storm sewer, etc.
Who are AUS’s customers?
- Utility Companies
- Engineering Firms
- Excavators/ Landscapers
- Environmental Firms
- Pipeline Companies
- Colleges/ Universities
- Municipalities
- Government Agencies
- Military
- Homeowners